Compress CSS class names with Gulp
May 28, 2022
class names
I was writing a small admin panel that served from NodeMCU. It has 4 MB of flash memory. I used Tailwind and plain HTML/JavaScript to develop the website. The build folder was 19.7 Kb in total after minification, but I wanted to lower it as much as possible.
I found a combinatorics library named generatorics to generate a sequence of class names (a, b, c, ...). In the first step I collected all class names from HTML files, replaced them with names, and put them in the lookup table, then I read CSS files and replaced them with the value in the lookup table.
It reduced from 19.7 Kb to 10.6 Kb.
const G = require('generatorics');
function withName(name, fn) {
fn.displayName = name;
return fn;
gulp.task("compress:classnames", async function () {
const generator = G.baseNAll("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789");
const classnames = {};
function getClassName(classname) {
if (!classnames[classname]) {
classnames[classname] ='');
return classnames[classname];
return gulp.series(
() => gulp.src("../data/*.html")
.pipe(replace(/class="(.*?)"/g, function handleReplace(match, p1, offset, string) {
const classes = p1.split(" ").map(cls => getClassName(cls)).join(" ");
return `class="${classes}"`;
() => gulp.src("../data/*.css")
.pipe(replace(/(?<=\.)[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\.-]+(?=\{)/g, function handleReplace(match, p1, offset, string) {
return classnames[match.replace("\\", "")];
The full source code of Gulpfile with live server, html/js minification etc. can be found here.